Tactical Troop offers comprehensive packages for security at events that provide protection at government summits, seminars, press conferences, business conferences, corporate events, private meetings and mega international sporting events.
Our staff is highly trained to coordinate and work in close collaboration with the organizers of the event and the host governments and to identify and analyze potential risks that can cause breaches in the security during the event.

Event Security

is extremely complicated. Many variables must be taken into account, such as: the type of event (an official reception, sporting events, a VIP wedding reception, etc.), the specific characteristics of the place, the producers and providers of services (catering, bartenders, photographers, florists, musicians, etc) among others. In addition, all security and safety measures must be fully coordinated with law enforcement agencies and services for local emergencies. Furthermore, the safety detail must remain as unobtrusive as possible so as not to affect the event itself as well as being invisible to the participants.

All this means that the safety of an event involves meticulous planning and preparation in advance not only for the security agents in place. The Tactical Troop expert, coordinating security for such events, will apply his knowledge and experience gained during his years in Israeli security organizations, in order to provide a personalized solution for every occasion and every place.

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